C.A.C.A George Frisbie Hoar 5th Award Gala Program Book
The Chinese American Citizens Alliance Boston Lodge (C.A.C.A. Boston), with support from the City of Boston, Department of Veterans’ Services, will host our 5th Annual U.S. Senator George Frisbie Hoar Award Gala, on Sunday, December 4, 2022, at the Empire Garden Restaurant, 690 Washington Street, Boston from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We will also celebrate the 1st Anniversary of the Awarding of the Chinese American World War II Veterans Congressional Gold Medal in New England. This year’s theme is “Forging Community Bonds: Honoring the Greatest Generation.” We invited Asian, Black, White, Latino, Native American, and female veterans to join us as our guests to honor them, and forge closer relationships and better understandings between the various groups.
This year’s Award Gala will honor Brigadier General Enoch O’Dell Woodhouse II (Tuskegee Airman), Boston City Council President Ed Flynn, Illinois State Representative Theresa Mah, Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services Secretary Cheryl Poppe, City of Boston Department of Veterans’ Services Commissioner Robert Santiago, South Cove Community Health Center Executive Director Eugene Welch and the Josiah Quincy Elementary School’s 175th Anniversary. The celebration includes an elaborate 10 course Chinese banquet and the presentation of our “Unsung Heroes” book to the Boston Public Library.