The Chinese American Citizens Alliance’s 55th Biennial National Convention will take place
in Boston from Tuesday, July 3, 2019 to Sunday, July 7, 2019.
Boston Park Plaza Hotel is the official convention hotel, meetings will be held at Park Plaza.
Our theme is C A C A:
C = Celebrate – Watching Fireworks
A = Advance – Current issues of concern for the Chinese/Asian American Communities
– Working together with other organizations to advance common agenda and goals
C = Contribute – Presentation on Chinese American and C.A.C.A. contributions from the past 124 years
A = Advocate – Presentation on advocacy projects lead by C.A.C.A. National and C.A.C.A. Local Lodges
Below is the 55th Biennial C.A.C.A. National Convention registration form:
Speical thanks to our sponsors:
Platinum: AARP
Ruby: South Cove Health Center
Gold: EBSB