C.A.C.A. Boston will hold our C.A.C.A. Officers Inauguration on Sunday, February 05, 2016 at the East Ocean City on 25 Beach Street, Boston from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm.
We will have a swear-in ceremony for our 2016 officers:
President: Rose Hom Vice-President: Ai Cheng Secretary:David Li Assistant Secretary: Ken Chia Collector: Colette Yeung Treasurer: David Zhao Financial Secretary: David Murphy Marshal: Hung Goon Sentinel: Joe Wong Compliance officer: Mimi Chiu Compliance officer: Irene Ruan National Representative: Esther Lee
Special honor guest: Quincy City Councilor-At-Large Nina Liang
Lunch cost is $25 per person.
Please email us at cacabostonlodge@gmail.com to RSVP and reserve number of seats !!